Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A New Adventure Begins

I wake up every morning and check my Flipboard account on my iPad (BEST APP EVER!).  I love seeing the posts from my friend's blogs.  I love seeing the ideas that fellow teachers are using in their studios.  I get excited when I read "Wednesday's Words of Wisdom" and "Tech Tuesdays" and all of the other amazingly creative things piano teachers use to be better teachers. 

I have always joked with my friends and family that I am a master gleaner.  I take ideas that I glean from others, and convert them into my own teaching style. 

I decided to start this blog because I wanted to collaborate with other teachers.  I believe that when we can see how others teach, it helps us be better teachers.  I will be honest with you.  I have a very full plate, and I do not know how consistent I will be, but I wanted to share some of the things that my sudents absolutely love, and ask for advice on other things that may not have worked as well.

I love teaching piano!  I love trying to bring the "FUN" into learning the fundamentals of music.  Please join me on my new adventure.